Sunday night Caleb went to a show and brought home the four guys in the band to spend the night.
They'd been here once before, again, after they performed a show in Boston.
It was good to see them and have them stay here again. It made me realize how much I miss having the kids' friends at our house all the time. In Florida, our house was always filled with the kids' friends. It wasn't uncommon for there to be 12, or 15 kids, but a lot of the times more than that. Some were playing video games, some cards, the others watching tv or in one of the kids rooms, or outside in the pool. Now, even after being here for six months, the kids still don't have friends. Well, there are the two neighbor girls, (that they rarely see) but that is it.
So we had a great time with the boys Monday after everyone woke up, which was around eleven or twelve. (I always knew I missed my calling to be a musician!) Lindsay and Erin helped me make a big breakfast of bacon, sausage, eggs, pancakes, hashbrowns and coffee. One of the boys remarked that he saw it all lying out like that and thought it looked like a Little House in the Prairie breakfast. One thing I love, and that is to see hungry boys eat! What mom doesn't?! They even managed to sneak around and help with the dishes too.
During breakfast they found out we own a costume/party business and their eyes lit up. They couldn't wait to finish and get downstairs and try on as many costumes as they could. They had a great time and Caleb took a lot of photos.
They are a great bunch of guys, always very respectful, always even keeled and always grateful. This time, they had a bit of bad luck. First was the parking ticket they received outside my house, and second was the engine light on their van. So instead of leaving Monday night like they were going to, they ended up staying another night and leaving Tuesday.
They and Caleb had a great time together! They recorded some music together and jammed for hours. It was, literally, music to our ears. Dave, myself, and the rest of the kids sat on the porch in our rockers in the sunshine, listening to the sounds coming down from above from the open window on the third story, and heartily enjoying it.
I LOVED hearing the peals of laughter from many friends again. One of the times they were laughing was when one of them found a book in our bathroom, titled, "What your poo is telling you". He brought it out to share with all of them and they laughed for a good, long time.
It's a very humorous book with vivid descriptions, funny drawings and catchy titles, for each of the, uh...ways your poo is talking to you.
Tuesday they left a little later than they were supposed to but we did manage to get some pictures in and hugs. I was sad to see them go, but hope they will be back to stay next time they're in town.
I'll try to post some pics but I don't know how to do that on the blog yet. Isn't that one of the things your kids are supposed to teach you? :)
Friday, April 23, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
Spring in New England
Spring is beautiful here! I was able to go outside today in the morning, drink my coffee, do my daily reading, and sit in the warm sun.
I closed my eyes to take it all in because there were so many different birds out making all sorts of birdsongs. All I could hear were the birds, the squirrels and in the distance construction workers hammering away. I love that sound for some reason-the sound of hammers echoing off in the distance with just nature for the other background noise.
When I opened my eyes after several minutes, I was struck by just how beautiful it is! We have quite a big backyard with all these New England style houses all around, and it's very hilly. The owners here planted all sorts of gorgeous plants, trees and flowers that are in full bloom in the spring.
Bright yellow trees, bright pink trees, and tulips! Oh how I love tulips, they are my favorite flowers and they have planted them everywhere in the yard-side, front and back. They also planted a few flowering bushes that are different shades of purple. One of them has gorgeous purple flowers but smells like a lemon pez! Does anyone know what that one might be?
The sky was a magnificent color of blue and the clouds were white and fluffy. I was able to see a few cardinals today, a few bluejays (who were the noisiest!), lots of little birds, and Erin saw a woodpecker. I felt so grateful to God for making such a beautiful earth!
I can't wait for the ferns to continue blossoming and growing too. Soon all the leaves will be on the trees and I won't be able to see far off down Main Street anymore, but for now I'm enjoying seeing new buds and growth on the flowers and trees every single day.
I closed my eyes to take it all in because there were so many different birds out making all sorts of birdsongs. All I could hear were the birds, the squirrels and in the distance construction workers hammering away. I love that sound for some reason-the sound of hammers echoing off in the distance with just nature for the other background noise.
When I opened my eyes after several minutes, I was struck by just how beautiful it is! We have quite a big backyard with all these New England style houses all around, and it's very hilly. The owners here planted all sorts of gorgeous plants, trees and flowers that are in full bloom in the spring.
Bright yellow trees, bright pink trees, and tulips! Oh how I love tulips, they are my favorite flowers and they have planted them everywhere in the yard-side, front and back. They also planted a few flowering bushes that are different shades of purple. One of them has gorgeous purple flowers but smells like a lemon pez! Does anyone know what that one might be?
The sky was a magnificent color of blue and the clouds were white and fluffy. I was able to see a few cardinals today, a few bluejays (who were the noisiest!), lots of little birds, and Erin saw a woodpecker. I felt so grateful to God for making such a beautiful earth!
I can't wait for the ferns to continue blossoming and growing too. Soon all the leaves will be on the trees and I won't be able to see far off down Main Street anymore, but for now I'm enjoying seeing new buds and growth on the flowers and trees every single day.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Mystery Woman...
Most people have heard of Tasha Tudor, the famous children's book writer and illustrator. Her books include Pumpkin Moonshine and a Corgiville Christmas, among others.
I have a few books written about her-the ones where Richard Brown took the photographs. They are The Private World of Tasha Tudor and Tasha Tudor's Garden. These are always what I go to when I'm having a "technology fast" as I like to call it. These books have lots of photographs of her house and gardens, which never fail to inspire me!
Tasha was born and raised in a prominent Boston family, but eventually settled in Vermont. One of her sons, Seth, built her a house that looked like it was from the 1740's, copied from a friend's house in New Hampshire.
She purposely made her and her children's world an old fashioned world where children could still be children! She made a beautiful life for herself and them, and she even wore the clothes of a woman from the 1830's. Not just sometimes or around the house, but ALL the time.
She kept Nubian goats and used the milk. She churned her own butter. She spun flax and made her own clothes. She had her beloved Corgi dogs, a bird or two, goats, cats and other animals.
Tahsa loved doing simple things. Drawing, illustrating, and sketching her kids while they were down at the river playing. Puppet shows for the kids and the neighbor kids. Making dolls. Even going so far as making a real catalog where her kids could order doll clothes and they would arrive in the mail!
She made celebrations and holidays important yet simple. I love that she would go cut down a Christmas tree on Christmas Eve, then decorate it with lit candles and then show the children when it was all done. (although, those of you who know me know that I could never wait that long to get a tree-I'd like one up all year please!)
She loved animals, her beautiful gardens, children and her farmhouse. She is such an example to the way I want to live: simple yet so purposeful. (Oh, and I wouldn't mind the house in farmhouse in Vermont either!) Now, that being said, I don't think I'm ever going to live like that, but I do like the idea of making life more simple, letting children be children, and celebrating life.
I also have two dvds about her, that are comforting and peaceful to watch, Take Joy, and Take Peace (her Christmas one). Surprisingly, I like Take Joy better than her Christmas one.
Tasha just died in 2008, at the age of 92. Although her life was no where near perfect, she lived a simple life and an intentional life, one that she was passionate about, and that's what I love most about her.
I have a few books written about her-the ones where Richard Brown took the photographs. They are The Private World of Tasha Tudor and Tasha Tudor's Garden. These are always what I go to when I'm having a "technology fast" as I like to call it. These books have lots of photographs of her house and gardens, which never fail to inspire me!
Tasha was born and raised in a prominent Boston family, but eventually settled in Vermont. One of her sons, Seth, built her a house that looked like it was from the 1740's, copied from a friend's house in New Hampshire.
She purposely made her and her children's world an old fashioned world where children could still be children! She made a beautiful life for herself and them, and she even wore the clothes of a woman from the 1830's. Not just sometimes or around the house, but ALL the time.
She kept Nubian goats and used the milk. She churned her own butter. She spun flax and made her own clothes. She had her beloved Corgi dogs, a bird or two, goats, cats and other animals.
Tahsa loved doing simple things. Drawing, illustrating, and sketching her kids while they were down at the river playing. Puppet shows for the kids and the neighbor kids. Making dolls. Even going so far as making a real catalog where her kids could order doll clothes and they would arrive in the mail!
She made celebrations and holidays important yet simple. I love that she would go cut down a Christmas tree on Christmas Eve, then decorate it with lit candles and then show the children when it was all done. (although, those of you who know me know that I could never wait that long to get a tree-I'd like one up all year please!)
She loved animals, her beautiful gardens, children and her farmhouse. She is such an example to the way I want to live: simple yet so purposeful. (Oh, and I wouldn't mind the house in farmhouse in Vermont either!) Now, that being said, I don't think I'm ever going to live like that, but I do like the idea of making life more simple, letting children be children, and celebrating life.
I also have two dvds about her, that are comforting and peaceful to watch, Take Joy, and Take Peace (her Christmas one). Surprisingly, I like Take Joy better than her Christmas one.
Tasha just died in 2008, at the age of 92. Although her life was no where near perfect, she lived a simple life and an intentional life, one that she was passionate about, and that's what I love most about her.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
What is beautiful and meaningful to you?
I love things of peace and beauty. Of quietness and contemplation. Beautiful art, quiet time around a fire to read a great book, and music that speaks to my soul. The older I get the more important these things become to me.
My younger years were spent being too 'busy' to appreciate the beauty in life. It's such a pity that one has to get older to grow in knowledge and wisdom, when it seems as if we could really use it when we are younger! Not that I've arrived in wisdom and knowledge, not at all!
I realize the wisdom in my mother now who used to tell me that I was waiting for something big to happen in my life to make me happy, and how I would never be happy if that were the case. She told me to find the happiness in the million little things that are miracles in each day. Are you listening mom? I finally get it! :)
Years ago one of my sons would place his hands on his ears and scream if we sang Happy Birthday to him or if he was around fireworks or even just a very noisy place. I wondered, especially when he was younger, why on earth he acted like that!
But now I have another son who also hates being around noise and confusion and too much talking. He wakes up early in the morning to get some quiet and alone time before anyone else wakes up. (smart kid!)
Over the years I have noticed how I too hate being around too much noise, crowds, parties, concerts, etc...Those things are not beautiful to me!
One of my children has recently begun watching one of the popular crime shows. They tape it and watch at least one a day. Maybe what I need it a tougher shell, but I CAN NOT STAND watching those, nor listening to them from the other room!! It makes my skin crawl listening to people being tortured, and hearing their cries and screams. I have to put on my headphones and not listen at all. I do watch some movies that are in the drama category, but I have to be very selective.
I have to admit I have a hard time trying to understand why people enjoy watching the slash, hack and gory horror movies. Especially Christians. As Christians, shouldn't we hate death? Not fear it mind you, because Jesus released us from the fear of death, but hate the way it is glorified in these times? You don't have to look far to see death culture rules the day. In my opinion, there's nothing entertaining in watching evil being played out on the big screen, in music or in real life.
I find that the older I get, the more I gravitate towards beautiful things. I want my life filled with them! I now notice the pretty flowers, an annointed worship song, a touching painting, a choreographed dance for Jesus that moves me to tears, and even a beautiful sentence in a book. Or a gorgeous sunset. One day I went from room to room and floor to floor chasing the sunset, going as far and high as I could before it finally went down.
Yes, there will be hard days and times in our life, but as long as we have a choice, aren't our lives too short to be filled with anything but beauty, tenderness and meaning?
Well, I said I was going to tell you about a woman I admire but it didn't pour out of me like this post did, so I guess I will wait one more day!
My younger years were spent being too 'busy' to appreciate the beauty in life. It's such a pity that one has to get older to grow in knowledge and wisdom, when it seems as if we could really use it when we are younger! Not that I've arrived in wisdom and knowledge, not at all!
I realize the wisdom in my mother now who used to tell me that I was waiting for something big to happen in my life to make me happy, and how I would never be happy if that were the case. She told me to find the happiness in the million little things that are miracles in each day. Are you listening mom? I finally get it! :)
Years ago one of my sons would place his hands on his ears and scream if we sang Happy Birthday to him or if he was around fireworks or even just a very noisy place. I wondered, especially when he was younger, why on earth he acted like that!
But now I have another son who also hates being around noise and confusion and too much talking. He wakes up early in the morning to get some quiet and alone time before anyone else wakes up. (smart kid!)
Over the years I have noticed how I too hate being around too much noise, crowds, parties, concerts, etc...Those things are not beautiful to me!
One of my children has recently begun watching one of the popular crime shows. They tape it and watch at least one a day. Maybe what I need it a tougher shell, but I CAN NOT STAND watching those, nor listening to them from the other room!! It makes my skin crawl listening to people being tortured, and hearing their cries and screams. I have to put on my headphones and not listen at all. I do watch some movies that are in the drama category, but I have to be very selective.
I have to admit I have a hard time trying to understand why people enjoy watching the slash, hack and gory horror movies. Especially Christians. As Christians, shouldn't we hate death? Not fear it mind you, because Jesus released us from the fear of death, but hate the way it is glorified in these times? You don't have to look far to see death culture rules the day. In my opinion, there's nothing entertaining in watching evil being played out on the big screen, in music or in real life.
I find that the older I get, the more I gravitate towards beautiful things. I want my life filled with them! I now notice the pretty flowers, an annointed worship song, a touching painting, a choreographed dance for Jesus that moves me to tears, and even a beautiful sentence in a book. Or a gorgeous sunset. One day I went from room to room and floor to floor chasing the sunset, going as far and high as I could before it finally went down.
Yes, there will be hard days and times in our life, but as long as we have a choice, aren't our lives too short to be filled with anything but beauty, tenderness and meaning?
Well, I said I was going to tell you about a woman I admire but it didn't pour out of me like this post did, so I guess I will wait one more day!
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